Rocky Cape to Wynyard - 50km
Rocky Cape ROADHOUSE to Wynyard
The Gone Nuts 50km Adventure Run will commence at 6am from the Rocky Cape Roadhouse. This point will mark just over half way of the 101km event.
Where: Rocky Cape Roadhouse
Start time: 6am
Competitor services: food / toilets / Geardrop on the morning of the race
Aid Stations: Sisters Beach, Boat Harbour Beach
Checkpoints Sisters Beach/ Postman's Track / Boat Harbour Beach
Finish Wynyard Yacht Club
Rocky Cape to Boat Harbour Surf Club- Leg 1 (also Leg 3 of the 101 race)
Rocky Cape Roadhouse to Boat Harbour Beach Surf Life Saving Club
Race start point: Race start (50km) Rocky Cape Roadhose at 6:00am
Leg finish point: Boat Harbour Beach
Distance: 25km
Description: Special single track, pristine beaches, technical rocky sections, a short road section and spectacular scenery. Terrain is best described as undulating with a couple of solid climbs and enjoyable downhills. This leg will be a favourite of many.
Cut off time: 1pm (50km runners)
Elevations for Leg 1 of the 50km from Rocky Cape Tavern to Boat Harbour Beach (also Leg 3 of the 101km)
Course Overview
Leaving the Roadhouse, competitors will head onto Rocky Cape Road for 4km before heading into the Rocky Cape National Park. This is the start of approximately 10km of single track trail, the track climbs up into the hills above Rock Cape before levelling out and offers some stunning coastal views. The course undulates its way through the hills before turning left back towards the ocean at the Anniversary Bay / Doone Falls intersection.
Once onto the beach we head right along Anniversary Bay and continue east towards Sisters Beach enjoying the remote beauty of this area. A short steep climb at the end of the bay takes you up over a rocky head land and down into the seaside hamlet of Sisters Beach, a short section of bitumen brings you to Sisters Creek. Here you find and aid station and it is a great spectator viewing area for family and friends to cheer you on your journey.
The course continues through Sisters Beach onto a 4wd track that runs adjacent to the beach, follow this track until the beach runs out and you will find the start of the Postman’s Track that takes you up and over the headland to Boat Harbour. Again this is single track although a bit more technical it is still a very enjoyable part of the journey. Once up off the beach you are afforded more sensational coastal views and can see your next destination of Boat Harbour off in the distance. After approximately 2km the track turns hard left and drops down towards the ocean providing a tricky little decent before levelling out, traversing farm land and finally dropping right down to the coast. The last kilometre into Boat Harbour requires some care as there are a couple of rocky bays to cross that will require a little bit of rock hopping. These bays are subject to tidal movements – not a problem at low tide – but depending on your timing you may get wet feet. It is a low to moderate technical area so take your time and you will pass with ease. Once you are passed this section it is an easy journey into Boat Harbour and you’re half way (50km) – or three quarter (101km) point of the event.
Boat Harbour will have an aide station and again is an excellent viewing point for spectators to offer their encouragement with plenty of facilities available.
View Real Estate Boat Harbour Beach to Wynyard - Leg 2 (also Leg 4 of the 101 race)
Leg start point: Boat Harbour Beach
Leg finish point: Wynyard Yacht Club
Distance: 25km
What to expect: This leg has a huge variety of terrain from beaches and inter tidal zones with some technical terrain over reefs and rocks, farm tracks, driveways, fence lines cross country farm land, single track and a short bitumen sections. It is undulating with some short step climbs until you reach Table Cape Lookout, from there it then descends to your finish line in Wynyard.
Cut off time: Nil (other than race finish time at 10am Sunday Morning)
Elevations for Leg 2 of the 50km from Boat Harbour Beach to Wynyard Football Club, Wynyard (also Leg 4 of the 101km and the 25km race)
Course Overview
The race will start with competitors heading east from Surf Life Saving Club along the beach and onto the coast, there is a little rock scrambling and care should be taken on this section – too early in the race to take risks or way to close to home if doing the longer runs! The course then heads up of the coast and onto rolling coastal farm land where you follow farm and cattle tracks, cross lush green paddocks occasionally dropping back down to the coast for a short rock hop before heading back onto the green pasture. Take time to enjoy the stunning views afforded along this section, knowing that you are able to do this thanks exclusively to the private land holders who have been generous enough to let us on their land.
The course continues east and bringing you ever closer to Table Cape which has loomed large from the start. At Chambers Bay we run out of usable coast and head inland through more private farm land and onto a two kilometre sealed section before dropping back down onto a private track network that takes you up, down and around the western side of Table Cape. Leaving the farm land for a small time you climb up to the Table Cape Light House via some single and farm tracks on private land. An aid station is situated at this stunning location so stop for a drink and some nutrition or just take in the views before heading off towards the finish line.
From the light house you follow a very picturesque section along the top of Table Cape to the look out where you site the finish line for the very first time – not far now! Another farm track section brings you onto the eastern side of Table Cape and onto some beautiful rolling pasture which follows the coast high above the water line and leads down to Table Cape Road and onto the Inglis River track before the final 1.5km section to the finish line.
Enjoy the final stretch and the finishing arc, be cheered on by spectators, family, friends and other competitors. Whatever your distance bask in the enjoyment of your achievement and know that have accomplished what you set out to achieve – you have officially GONE NUTS 50km.
Compulsory Gear List
The Gone Nuts adventures all have a Compulsory Gear Lists. For those running in teams - each team member will be required to carry the gear list appropriate to how far they are running themselves (so each runner in the 50km team of 2 would carry the 25km list). With items such as the thermals - race directors will make a call on the day if they are required - however due to the unpredictability of the weather all runners need to be well prepared for their own safety. Team members can transfer the backpack with gear from runner to runner at transition points (so only one set per team is required).
Please print off your relevant list and make sure you arrive at registration with all the required gear. The list is designed to make your running adventure as safe as possible - so please abide by the requirements. Ultimately you are responsible for your own safety, however there will be random gear checks and anyone found not to have the required gear will not be allowed to start.
All gear can be purchased from our event partners Find Your Feet.
FIND YOUR FEET have given us wonderful support since the race started and are again offering competitors a discount on any compulsory gear that you may require. Use or mention GONE NUTS 2025 to receive a discount.