An event of this size requires cannot run without the assistance of our volunteers. Tasmanian Multisport Adventures acknowledges and thanks our dedicated volunteer brigade.
There are still many opportunities available for volunteers to be part of this great event. If you can spare your time, labour or expertise in the days leading into, during and after the event – we would love to hear from you. This is a great opportunity for service clubs, school groups, sporting clubs or individuals who want to be part of what is sure to become one of Tasmania’s iconic sporting events.
Volunteers will receive a full briefing prior to the event.
Examples of volunteering opportunities include:
Registration desk – checking runners in and providing race details;
Local ambassadors at Stanley and Wynyard - providing local advice to interstate and overseas competitors
Race set up including check points, start and finish set up – Stanley to Wynyard
Course officials – at race checkpoints – various locations and times available
Catering assistance
Race marshalls
And heaps more!
To register your interest as a volunteer please complete the form below. We will contact you again closer to race day to assign volunteer duties.